9 Things: Simple Pleasures (Summer and Otherwise) - Makeup and Beauty Blog

You know what they say, correct? "It'south the elementary things." The simple pleasures, like sleeping in, an ice-cold Coca Cola on a hot day, a new tube of lipstick, a good hair day, a tender kiss, a comforting smiling, a adept hug, a stranger property open the door, a few words of encouragement.

What are some of the simple pleasures you've been enjoying lately? Here are some of mine, in no particular order.

I can't wait to hear yours. 🙂

1. Lounging past the pool

My favorite part of last weekend wasn't the plate of killer fries I had with that delicious veggie burger at the mall (although it was succulent). Nope, concluding weekend nirvana took the shape of my bum parked in a lounge chair past the neighborhood puddle.

And I didn't do any web surfing, blogging, tweeting or texting at all while I was there. Instead, I resisted the urge to plug in and just tried to focus on my thoughts for a while.

It was nice.

ii. Going for a walk with Tabs

El jefe insists that I take him for a walk effectually the circuitous first thing every morning and so that he may survey his vast domain. Thankfully, he ordinarily allows me to finish a cup of java starting time (milk and sugar, please!).

I really really relish it, especially at present that information technology'south warm, and I can go out in shorts, a tank height and flip-flops. Tabs, of course, typically wears his usual business casual attire.

3. Bootleg smoothies

They're easy to make with the help of a blender or food processor, and so much cheaper than Jamba Juice (which I love!). I usually become with whatever fresh fruit I have on manus. This week'southward receipe calls for strawberries, bananas, honey-flavored Greek yogurt, orangish juice and ice, yum!

I like to have 1 right afterwards a run as my post-workout recovery drink. They're great for a quick shot of carbs and protein to proceed the muscle soreness at bay, and I think they're besides like shooting fish in a barrel on my tum.

4. Seeing pics of pets with EvRev

Don't tell Tabs, but I have a crush on Wally (he lives with MBB reader Alka)

Every time I open an email with a moving picture of a hirsuite friend posing with a tube of MAC Evolution Revolution Lipglass, I practice a little dance in my chair. 🙂

Ted the domestic dog hearts Stef!

It looks like EvRev is sold out on the MAC website now, simply if you're still interested in bringing it habitation, I'one thousand told that MAC plans to release more than inventory of all of the products in the collection before long.

5. Cooking with seasonal, summer produce

I'chiliad not a vegetarian, merely I do eat like one some of the time, especially in summer, when at that place are so many bully seasonal fruits and veggies on auction.

For lunch today I had a homemade pasta dish with a yummy avocado sauce. It's loaded with strong flavors like lemon, garlic and basil, and it actually took less than xv minutes to make (hither's the recipe I used).

half-dozen. An evening concert starring the neighborhood songbirds

The old oak tree outside has some great entertainment at nighttime (and no cover charge!). Every night when the sunday sets, the songbirds arrive and fill the hillside with music. Sometimes I'll listen to them from the deck with Tabs.

vii. Finding random pictures of yourself making weird faces…

…and sharing them with the world on the Internet.

8. Playing "Fill Up the Shopping Cart" at Lulus.com

Most of the time I empty it without going through checkout (but half the fun is in just filling the cart).

I'm so obsessed with Lulus correct now… They take some super cute dresses and accessories from tons of different brands, plus some neat prices and lightning fast aircraft, besides. LOVE!

9. Wearing sparkly argument rings

They're a fun, simple way to dress upwardly a summer wardrobe. That, and they depict extra attention to a cute manicure. 🙂

And then how well-nigh yous? What are some of the simple pleasures yous've recently enjoyed?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty aficionado,



Source: https://makeupandbeautyblog.com/just-for-fun/9-things-simple-pleasures-summer-and-otherwise/

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