First Warm Spring Day You ll Have Me Here Again

Ten beautiful jump poems

Celebrate the flavor of new beginnings with these cute leap poems.


12 minutes to read

Blossom on tree branches, against a blue sky

Bound officially begins on 20th March, and with buds on the copse and lighter evenings comes a new spirit of optimism. From Shakespeare to Wordsworth, poets have ever been inspired by the season of new ancestry. We've curated some of our favourite poems nigh spring, address nature, hopefulness and the ability of poesy.

Notice our edit of the best poetry books.


By Christina Rossetti

Frost-locked all the winter,

Seeds, and roots, and stones of fruits,

What shall make their sap ascend

That they may put forth shoots?

Tips of tender dark-green,

Foliage, or blade, or sheath;

Telling of the hidden life

That breaks forth underneath,

Life nursed in its grave by Death.

Blows the thaw-air current pleasantly,

Drips the soaking rain,

Past fits looks down the waking dominicus:

Young grass springs on the plain;

Young leaves clothe early on hedgerow trees;

Seeds, and roots, and stones of fruits,

Swollen with sap put forth their shoots;

Curled-headed ferns sprout in the lane;

Birds sing and pair once again.

At that place is no fourth dimension like Spring,

When life's alive in everything,

Before new nestlings sing,

Earlier cleft swallows speed their journey back

Along the trackless runway –

God guides their wing,

He spreads their table that they aught lack, –

Earlier the daisy grows a common blossom

Before the lord's day has ability

To scorch the globe upwardly in his noontide 60 minutes.

There is no fourth dimension like Spring,

Similar Jump that passes by;

There is no life like Spring-life born to die,

Piercing the sod,

Wearable the uncouth clod,

Hatched in the nest,

Fledged on the windy bough,

Stiff on the fly:

There is no time like Spring that passes past,

At present newly built-in, and now

Hastening to die.

From A Poem for Every Spring Twenty-four hours, edited past Allie Esiri

A Poem for Every Spring Day

by Allie Esiri

Book cover for A Poem for Every Spring Day

This gorgeous collection is full of seasonal poems with a link to the engagement on which they announced, selected from Allie Esiri's bestselling poesy anthologiesA Poem for Every 24-hour interval of the Year andA Poem for Every Dark of the Year. Including poems past William Wordsworth, Christina Rossetti, John Donne, Emily Dickinson and many more, these verses will transport yous to vivid spring-time scenes, taking you from the first sighting of blossoms to Easter.


By Gerard Manley Hopkins

Nothing is so beautiful as Leap –

   When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;

   Thrush's eggs await little low heavens, and thrush

Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring

The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;

   The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush

   The descending bluish; that blue is all in a rush

With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.

What is all this juice and all this joy?

   A strain of the earth'southward sweet existence in the beginning

In Eden garden. – Have, get, before it cloy,

   Earlier it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning,

Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy,
Most, O maid's kid, thy option and worthy the winning.


Past Billy Collins

If ever at that place were a spring day so perfect,
so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze

that it fabricated you want to throw
open all the windows in the house

and unlatch the door to the canary'southward muzzle,
indeed, rip the little door from its jamb,

a day when the cool brick paths
and the garden bursting with peonies

seemed then etched in sunlight
that yous felt like taking

a hammer to the glass paperweight
on the living room end table,

releasing the inhabitants
from their snowfall-covered cottage

so they could walk out,
belongings hands and squinting

into this larger dome of blue and white,
well, today is just that kind of mean solar day.

FromBumming Love: New and Selected Poems by Billy Collins

Aimless Love

by Billy Collins

Book cover for Aimless Love

Aimless Love brings together more than 50 new poems with a selection from Billy Collin'due south start 4 books. In plough playful, ironic and serious, Collins's poetry uncovers the wonder in the everyday, addressing themes of honey loss, joy and verse itself.

Lines Written in Early Spring

By William Wordsworth

I heard a yard blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring deplorable thoughts to the mind.

To her off-white works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What human has made of man.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And 'tis my organized religion that every bloom
Enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure:—
But the least move which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

The budding twigs spread out their fan,
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasance in that location.

If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature'southward holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What man has fabricated of man?

The Thrush

Past Edward Thomas

When Winter's ahead,
What can you read in November
That you read in April
When Wintertime's dead?

I hear the thrush, and I see
Him alone at the end of the lane
Almost the bare poplar's tip,
Singing continuously.

Is it more that y'all know
Than that, even as in April,
So in November,
Winter is gone that must go?

Or is all your lore
Non to telephone call Nov Nov,
And April Apr,
And Winter Winter—no more than?

But I know the months all,
And their sweet names, April,
May and June and October,
As y'all telephone call and call

I must remember
What died into April
And consider what will be born
Of a fair November;

And April I dear for what
It was born of, and Nov
For what it will die in,
What they are and what they are not,

While you beloved what is kind,
What you lot can sing in
And love and forget in
All that's ahead and behind.

Sonnet 98

By William Shakespeare

From you have I been absent in the spring,
When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,
Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,
That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him.
Notwithstanding nor the lays of birds, nor the sweetness smell
Of different flowers in odour and in hue,
Could brand me whatever summertime'due south story tell,
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:
Nor did I wonder at the lily'southward white,
Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;
They were just sugariness, but figures of delight
Fatigued after you, – you pattern of all those.
Notwithstanding seem'd it wintertime however, and, you lot away,
As with your shadow I with these did play.

Young Lambs

By John Clare

The spring is coming by a many signs;
The trays are upwards, the hedges cleaved downward,
That fenced the haystack, and the remnant shines
Similar some old antique fragment weathered dark-brown.
And where suns peep, in every sheltered place,
The picayune early on buttercups unfold
A glittering star or 2--till many trace
The edges of the blackthorn clumps in aureate.
And and so a picayune lamb bolts up backside
The hill and wags his tail to run into the yoe,
Then some other, sheltered from the current of air,
Lies all his length as dead--and lets me go
Close bye and never stirs but baking lies,
With legs stretched out as though he could not rise.

The Enkindled Spring

Past D.H. Lawrence

This leap as it comes bursts up in bonfires dark-green,
Wild puffing of emerald trees, and flame-filled bushes,
Thorn-blossom lifting in wreaths of smoke between
Where the wood fumes up and the watery, flickering rushes.

I am amazed at this jump, this conflagration
Of green fires lit on the soil of the earth, this blaze
Of growing, and sparks that puff in wild gyration,
Faces of people streaming beyond my gaze.

And I, what fountain of fire am I among
This leaping combustion of spring? My spirit is tossed
About like a shadow buffeted in the throng
Of flames, a shadow that's gone astray, and is lost.

Phenomenon on St David's Solar day

By Gillian Clarke

'They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude'
– 'The Daffodils' by W. Wordsworth

An afternoon yellow and open-mouthed
with daffodils. The sun treads the path
among cedars and enormous oaks.
It might be a country firm, guests strolling,
the rumps of gardeners between nursery shrubs.

I am reading poetry to the insane.
An old woman, interrupting, offers
as many buckets of coal every bit I need.
A beautiful chestnut-haired boy listens
entirely captivated. A schizophrenic

on a practiced day, they tell me afterwards.
In a muzzle of offset March sun a woman
sits non listening, not seeing, non feeling.
In her corking clothes the woman is absent.
A big, mild man is tenderly led

to his chair. He has never spoken.
His labourer's hands on his knees, he rocks
gently to the rhythms of the poems.
I read to their presences, absences,
to the big, dumb labouring man as he rocks.

He is suddenly standing, silently,
huge and mild, but I feel afraid. Like tiresome
movement of spring water or the kickoff bird
of the year in the breaking darkness,
the labourer's vocalism recites 'The Daffodils'.

The nurses are frozen, warning; the patients
seem to listen. He is hoarse but word-perfect.
Outside the daffodils are still every bit wax,
a 1000, ten thousand, their syllables
unspoken, their creams and yellows still.

Forty years ago, in a Valleys school,
the class recited poetry by rote.
Since the dumbness of misery roughshod
he has remembered there was a music
of speech and that in one case he had something to say.

When he's done, earlier the applause, we observe
the flowers' silence. A thrush sings
and the daffodils are flame.

From Gillian Clarke'sSelected Poems

Selected Poems

past Gillian Clarke

Book cover for Selected Poems

Equally the National Poet of Wales, Gillian Clarke is i of the best-known poets in the U.k.. Selected Poems brings together the best of her poetry over the past iv decades in a single book, addressing themes including nature, womanhood, art, music, Welsh history, and perhaps her greatest inspiration: the Welsh landscape and its human stories.

I Watched a Blackbird

By Thomas Hardy

I watched a blackbird on a budding sycamore
1 Easter Solar day, when sap was stirring twigs to the core;
I saw his natural language, and crocus-coloured bill
Parting and endmost as he turned his trill;
Then he flew down, seized on a stem of hay,
And upped to where his building scheme was under style,
As if so certain a nest was never shaped on spray.

If these leap poems take inspired you lot to get back to nature, hither are some recommendations for books prepare in the great outdoors:

Books Set in the Bang-up Outdoors | #BookBreak

Looking for more seasonal verse? Discover these cute autumn poems.


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